Friday, 17 August 2012

Thoughts from the depths of 1am

I am a bit lost in space these days. I imagine great blog entries, novels, dramatic movie plots, poems and "when I am famous people will quote this" quotes in my head, but they never make it to print and then I forget them amongst the laundry, spit-ups, nappy changes and Kodak moments. Even the cataloging of my golden boys' exploits for posterity has taken a backseat to surviving said exploits, and I just know I am forgetting great swathes of good stuff every day. Logging in here for the first time in months, I realise that I never wrote part two of my NZ trip - and that was the dramatic part! With cancelled flights, two days in hotels in Buenos Aires, a teething toddler with diarrhea and three hours of sleep in 48 hours! How could I have deprived my public of that gem? I will have to try and remember as best I can and get it down in writing... Just not now, because as the title implies, it is way past my bedtime.

I am, in fact, just waiting for my muffins to cool enough to take them out of the tray and stow them somewhere appropriate before going to bed. Tomorrow I am attending my first ever baby shower (I never had one! Might have to have another baby...), and I have promised my friend my special secret recipe banana muffins. Which is the same recipe as my banana loaf, banana cake and individual banana cakelets, but if anyone knew that half of the magic would totally be gone. Ooops...

One should never make decisions at 1am that can be postponed until the next morning, but perhaps I can safely decide to make another effort in the blogosphere? At least that way I can preserve my memories for me, even if no one else reads them...

Right, now about those muffins...

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